Cash And Equivalent Perubahan Tanggal
Adyen EUR 6.34B 179.43M 2023-06
Amadeus IT EUR 859.9M 604.3M 2023-09
Atos EUR 10M 38M 2023-12
Datalex USD 2.87M 3.67M 2023-06
Experian USD 195M 7M 2023-06
Serco GBP 98.7M 41.5M 2023-06
The Sage Group GBP 696M 121M 2023-06
Wolters Kluwer EUR 1.12B 231M 2023-06
WorldLine EUR 51.1M 179M 2023-06

Atos Kas Dan Setara - Nilai saat ini, data historis, perkiraan, statistik, grafik dan kalender ekonomi - May 2024.