United Kingdom Imports from Austria of Carrots, turnips and other edible roots, frozen or chilled was US$41.67 Thousand during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

United Kingdom Imports from Austria of Carrots, turnips and other edible roots, frozen or chilled Value Year
Carrots, turnips and other edible roots, frozen or chilled $41.67K 2023

united kingdom Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -1098.00 -1478.00 9557.00 -12744.00 GBP Million [+]
Current Account -21177.00 -18524.00 5812.00 -45700.00 GBP Million [+]
Current Account to GDP -3.30 -3.10 2.80 -5.40 percent of GDP [+]
Exports 70614.00 71316.00 78750.00 962.00 GBP Million [+]
Imports 71712.00 72794.00 80605.00 1031.00 GBP Million [+]
External Debt 7572360.00 7553717.00 7620272.00 565439.00 GBP Million [+]
Capital Flows 7277.00 25858.00 52822.00 -18765.00 GBP Million [+]
Foreign Direct Investment -1020.00 -3935.00 92093.00 -44536.00 GBP Million [+]
Gold Reserves 310.29 310.29 588.27 310.25 Tonnes [+]
Crude Oil Production 633.00 647.00 2821.00 1.00 BBL/D/1K [+]
Goods Trade Balance Non-EU -3811.00 -2777.00 3605.00 -13933.00 GBP Million [+]
Auto Exports 59249.00 62938.00 136305.00 152.00 Units [+]
Weapons Sales 1504.00 656.00 6012.00 625.00 SIPRI TIV Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 2930.00 2790.00 4344.00 65.00 Thousand [+]
Tourism Revenues 2180.00 2070.00 3637.00 61.00 GBP Million [+]
Terrorism Index 2.37 3.84 6.06 2.37 Points [+]
Goods Trade Balance -13967.00 -14133.00 775.00 -24158.00 GBP Million [+]